Jung literatuur

Jungiaanse psychoanalyse 

Stevens, A. (1994) JUNG, A very short introduction 

Papadopolous, R.K. (2004) The Handbook of Jungian Psychology. London: Routledge

Stein, M. (2006). The Principle of Individuation. Wilmette, Ill: Chiron Publications

Hollis, J. (1993) The Middle Passage: From Misery to Meaning in Midlife. Toronto, Canada: Inner City Books

Jung en organisaties

Armstrong, D. (2005) Organization in the Mind. London: Karnac

Barrett, L. (2019) Working with Groups: Communitas and the Rites of Passage. In O’Brien, J. and O’Brien, N. (eds.) Introduction to Corporate Analytical Psychology. Belgrade, Serbia: Dosije Studio

Obholzer, A. and Zagier Roberts, V. (1994) The Unconscious at Work. East Sussex: Routledge